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HST Registration

Get your HST number in 2 business days or less.

Who needs to register

Ridesharing Drivers

Voluntary registration

The registration on the HST is mandatory once you have reached $30,000 in self employment income in the past 12 months.

Ridesharing drivers need to register before start working regardless of the expected income.

Even if the registration is not mandatory in your scenario, you can register voluntarily at any time.

How this registration service works

After submitting the request below, the HST number will be provided within 2 business days. However, no official CRA documents are generated at the time of application. Confirmation will be possible via public consultation on the CRA's website only after 2 or 3 months, which is the time it takes CRA to process the request and activate it in the system.

Despite of this delay in activation, when the process is completed, the effective date of the HST account will be the date of the requested effective date and not the date of when the public consultation became available.

After your registration

After the effective date of your HST registration, you will be required to charge your clients the HST (13%) on top of your service fees. This will apply to all of your sources of self-employment income. You will also be required to keep organized records of your invoices issued, including the breakdown of the HST charged in each one of them. These records will be required to get your HST return prepared and filed annually, in March. If you miss the HST return annual filing, penalties may be applied, your account may be suspended, among other punitive measures. If you stop working as a self-employed individual, the HST account must be closed (it does not close by itself). The request to close an HST account can only be made after 12 months of the effective date.

HST Return (annual filing)

To get your HST return prepared and stay compliant, do not forget to request the preparation of your HST Return before the deadline.

Click here to request the preparation on your HST Return.

This is optional. It would be your commercial name (if you have one). If you do not have one, just leave it blank. Only informing the name here will not grant you rights to use this commercial name. To register a commercial name, additional procedures are required. I do not offer these services.

First date you want/need to start charging HST on your invoices. If you are starting this business, it is going to be today. If you have been working for some time and have past accumulated revenue in excess of $30,000, you may need to inform a past date (backdate). Backdate process: When the first registration is made, the maximum possible is 30 days. If you need to backdate more than 30 days, it needs to be done in two steps. Once the first registration is completed (after the 2-3 months processing period), a second request can be made to change the effective date further in the past. Your previous invoices wil be required, the CRA needs to review and approve the request and there is a service fee for this request.

Do you have a SIN/TTN number?
Do you have a Business Number?
Do you have a MBL/BIN Registation?
Upload a valid ID
Please double check your answers and confirm below. You will have the option to make a payment by credit card or a manual payment by e-Transfer.

Thanks for your order!

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